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GP behavior questions

21 14:44:28

Hello Katie,
We recently purchased a baby (about 2 month old) Guinea Pig. We have had it for a week now and i had a couple of simlpe questions which you can hopefully answer.

My first concern is regarding the GP being somewhat scared/frightened every time we walk by. It seems to be easily startled and immediately runs to its hiding place. The second thing I have noticed is that she is not very active. She seems to spend most of her time under shelter and does not come out very frequently.

Is there anything we can do to make it more comfortable? and will she in time feel safe enough to be more active in and out of her cage?  

Your cavy is just getting used to it's new surroundings, and it could take awhile.  During this adjustment period you should remove her house so she cannot hide from you when you approach the cage, and put it back in before you go to bed.
She will not come out until she starts to feel comfortable. You need to hold her daily, and feed her from your hand and walk up to her cage slowly.