Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My pig has been acting really weird lately

My pig has been acting really weird lately

21 13:50:26

Hi Nicole!
My name is Jordan and I have been the lovely owner of a guenia pig for most of my life.  My latest little guy, 5 year old Gus, has had some weird behavior lately that is causing me concern.  He continuously is begging for food even after I just fed him.  At first, I though he just wanted attention, but when I do hold him, he just runs frantically around on me.  When I do feed him, he eats it extrememly fast.  He also seems to not have an 'squeak' which he use to be loud all the time, now he tries but only a hissing noise comes out.  Does this seem abnormal or am I just overworrying.....

Thanks for reading-Jordan

Normal. He is just a little different now, that's all!
Hissing sound - Him trying to get the squeak out of his mouth, old age is the cause of this.
Eating fast - He is just a chubby piggy that's all.
Constantly wanting food - My pigs do the same thing. Its just them being used to getting food from you.
If you are really concerned, you could always see a vet.