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Giunea pigs squabbling

21 14:17:42

I have 1 5 year old girl who happily accepted 2 baby girls from a different litter. We then got 3 more baby girls from a different litter and the other 2 girls don't like the new babies. They have a huge run (6' x 6' with 2 hutches in) and unlimited daytime access through a pig shaped pipe to the rest of the huge pig proof garden. Will they all settle down of should I separate them.

Hello Carole,
what exactly are the guinea pigs doing to the new additions? If they are chasing them, butt sniffing or butt nudging chattering their teeth a little bit then that's the normal agressive dominance issues and it should calm down eventually. They are all just trying to claim territory and it should settle down soon. If they get into a vicious fight then that's when to seperate them. I wouldn't seperate them now if they are mounting them or showing other dominant issues.