Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Get another guinea pig?

Get another guinea pig?

21 13:50:47

QUESTION: Hi. (I'm 18) and I own one guinea pig (Molly) that is probably close to 2 years old, and she lives in a large cage down in my basement. That is the only place where I am allowed to keep her because my mom doesn't like the smell of her and I have people with minor allergies in the rest of my family. I have always wanted to bring her upstairs and into the lighter areas of my house. I visit her every day and night and give her everything she needs (she is very spoiled). I play with her and take very good care of her. However, she will squeak pretty much every time she hears someone walk upstairs and I think she just wants attention because she is lonely being down there by herself. I am upset because I can't be there for her every time she squeaks for someone, so I am wondering if I should get a second female guinea pig for her to have a friend. I know she squeaks from loneliness, no matter how much I play with her, she just wants someone there with her, and I feel bad for her. So I'm just wondering if this is a good idea. Also how big of a cage would I need to suit 2 guinea pigs? The one I  have now I don't know the exact dimensions but I can assume it would be one meter by half a meter. And she has lots of space to walk around easily in there. Thanks for your help.

ANSWER: Hello Julia!
I have sent you two great links to show you how to biuld your own giunea pig cage (as they dont sell proper sized ones) and the sizes for how many pigs. I have one right now biult for 7 giunea pigs (maybe I should stop mating them! ;) ) and it is a great cage.
Giunea pigs are herd animals and are never really complete until they have a friend, now matter how much they love there staff, I mean you. I think its great that you are loving enough to consider this. I definatly think its a good idea!
(PS: try looking at the make-at-home toys on that site for fun, it is my favorite list of boredom buster and free toys for GPs!)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your approval :) Now I just have to convince my mom! I do have another concern though. I know you're supposed to take them out of the cage for exercise and what not, but when I take Molly out and put her on the ground she literally just sits there, forever. She'll move somewhere else to get comfortable and feel safe maybe, but I don't know how she is supposed to get exercise if she won't even move. I don't know what to do and I've just been leaving her in the cage lately. I don't want to get a wheel in the cage or a giant guinea pig ball (if those even exist)... I don't think that would work.  

Hello Julia!
I say absolutely NO to any type of ball or wheel as even though the package might say 'for guinea pigs' it can seriously hurt and potentially kill your little angel. Balls and wheels can rip off toes, break feet and snap spines in 4. I can tell you why Molly is doing this though: She is scared. She is afraid so therefore she will sit until you take her back to her cage or she will run to the nearest shelter. Getting another guinea pig could and in my experience will fix this problem. They will either run and play together if you set them up a playground (an empty toilet paper roll, hay and other toys) or they could group together and "hide" side-by-side. If you need a list of convincing arguments toward getting another piggy I listed some:
1. Molly will feel safer
2. Molly will get exercise
3. You could rescue a pet from a shelter
4. Molly will get a healthier glow from mental stimulation of another piggy (true)
5. You promise to double check the other piggy gender ( ;) very important)