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ginipig help

21 13:50:48

i have a ginipig tha we got told that was a boy but found out that she was a girl she has had milky colour dischanged in her vagina very slow dring alot and storing food got really fat in the last week does it sould like she is in labour please help

Wowza Rachael! Thats some radical spelling!
Milky vaginal discharge eh? Never heard of it, apparently neither has anyone else on the web. Ussually white around the vagina is spem after mating, do you have another giunea pig perhaps? A fat giunea pig is normal, if she starts to look misshappen then freak out. If she is, you will know in a few months time. For now I suggest watching T.V. and cuddiling that piggy as much as possible, which is what I ussually prescibe ;)
Bye 4 now!