Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > shes bleeding!

shes bleeding!

21 14:44:54

i have two boy and one girl who have cages next to each other.  none are altered or have been bred before.  i noticed once that the female was bleeding in her pee.  it was a daluted red that looked like it was mixed in with her pee.  i was unsure what to think so i asked my family and they suggested that she might be in heat so i looked it up on the internet and it said that they are in heat for 16 days but said nothing about bleeding. she is acting like normal but i am not sure if i should be concerned or not. it has been a week since i first noticed her bleeding and she is still bleeding.
please right back soon

First are you 100% positive it is blood?? If you are...VET NOW! It could be a UTI Urinary tract infection, kidney/bladder stones.....could be numerous IS normal for thier urine to look "dark" a LIGHT usually does this when it hits air...but I would reccomend a checkup..just in case!!