Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > General Advice is welcomed.

General Advice is welcomed.

21 14:44:19

Hi, we just bought a 3 mt.old guinea pig for the family.  His name is Buddy and he is very friendly and active.  I have done some reserch on-line but other than that I'm going by ear.  I would appreciate any advice on handling them out of their cage, grooming, and likes and dislikes!  We want our Buddy to be happy and content.  My kids ages are 7 yr.old, 4 yr.old, and 8 mt.old baby.  My 4 yr.old's name is Tara by the way.  Thanks for any advice you may have.


Hello Sherry

Its farly easy to care for a guinea pig but there are some things that need to be done/given daily/weekly. You will want to change his cage at least once a week, you'll want to give him a dish full of pellets, fresh water and fresh fruits and vegtables daily some say them need unlimited timothy hay but I only ever gave a hand full daily also for growing pigs alfalfa hay is good also. Be sure not to give him any cookies, dairy products or sweets as this will cause him problems. You can bath him every month or so with kitten shampoo if needed, you should clean his ears out weekly you can use q-tips but be sure not to push any dirt farther into the ear, also try to let him run around in a "pig proofed" area as offen as possible (daily).

I hope this helps if you have any more questions feel free to ask.