Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Lice/Mites


21 14:26:04

I got my guinea pig on 9-17 and on 9-20 i found it had little white bugs crawling on him. i went to a local pet store and explained what i saw to the salesclerk. she told me it was mites and to bring him to her and she would give me the treatment. all she did was spray him down and told me to change the bedding. but now im reading up on mites and lice..and i could see the bugs so i think he had lice. do i need to bathe him or give him any more treatments to ensure these are gone?

He does have lice, mites are microscopic and under the skin, he could possibly have mites too, they are very common, but mites can only be treated with a shot of Ivermectin, what you see now now though are lice. To treat lice you need to use a pyrethrum extract formula, there are some small animal tick and flea sprays that contain it available at most pet stores also Johnson's Anti-Pest Insect spray contains it, also cat and kitten flea and tick sprays work, just make sure that they have the extract in them. He will need to be sprayed once a day for at least a week, sometimes 2, this is to ensure all eggs are killed, also give him a bath 3 days after the first treatment, and change the cage frequently, after the first treatment the half a week after. Let me know if you have any more questions.