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Guinea pig shedding.

21 14:19:00

Hi Jules,
  I have a male guinea pig who is now 3 years old.  Last year he underwent extensive treatment with Overreacting injections for Sellnick mange (which he was born with).  Just within the last 2 weeks (with the weather getting warmer) I have noticed that he is shedding quite a bit and I am wondering if this just might be due to the season change and the weather getting warmer?
  I do not want to take him to the doctors if I do not have to do so.  Since that is just so very stressful for him.  
  Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.


Hi Barbara,

 Your guinea pig is shedding extra do to the warming weather.  Just brush him a little extra and a little more often so that the shedding will be less and a little more manageable. My girls always seem to shed more in the warmer months then in the cooler months. So You little guy is fine and you don't have to take him to the doctors. He is perfectly fine.

 Take care now,