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Bloated tummy?

21 14:26:30

my piggie pinky has a bloated stomach, or I think its bloatedness. When I gently push on her stomach its not soft kinda hard like pushing on a balloon, What would cause that? She eats a lot of hay. My other piggie Roxi when I touch her stomach its soft not like pinkys.

Are you sure that she is nto pregnant, if you recently bought her from a pet store this very well could be the case, any more unless the store separates out the sexes (which you can't guarantee they were shipped like that) you have to assume that any female is pregnant. If that is not an option then she may have fluid in her stomach area, in which case she would have to go to a vet to get it drained. Bloating usually doesn't happen much in guinea pigs except with diarrea, if she is showing signs of diarrea that is obviously the case, in which she will need 1/4 tsp childrens Kaopectate once a day. If you think being pregnant is not an option then you could try giving her 1/8 tsp vegetable oil to clear out her intestinal tract, this should reduce bloating if it indeed has to do with that area. It is really hard to say what she has with out being able to examine her, but I would definatly rule out pregnancy first. Let me know if you have any more questions or comments.