Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > is he sad?

is he sad?

21 14:41:02

My guine pig lucky has been very odd lately he runs from me when I walk in my room. I got him out of his cage last week and i am always very gentle with him and he bit me!!! He left a scar because he actually drew blood! He has also been chattering his teeth alot. I cannot get another guinea pig do to financial sittuations how can I make my piggy happy?

Hi Heather.

It is possible that lucky is sad. It is also possible that he needs to be let out more for excersize.

Also, it is good for him to be in the family room if possible where he will be more likely to hear noises from outside and not be so bored.

It is also possible that he didn't like being disturbed. The one thing you must not do is stop getting him out for a cuddle. It is very unlikely that he is upset with you.

My advice is to do everything you can to make sure lucky enjoys life. Give him plenty of cuddles, veggies, fruit, treats, hay and attention.

I hope this helps and please keep me informed as to your progress.
