Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > gerbils and guinea pigs

gerbils and guinea pigs

21 14:18:44

QUESTION: Hi, I have 2 female guinea pigs that are about 14 weeks old and have just been given a male gerbil by someone who just didn't want them. What i wanted to ask was what would happen if i introduced them (say in a run under supervision) cos obviously i don't want anyone to get hurt. He must be lonely but i think he's been on his own for a while so don't know what to do
ANSWER: Hello Trish,
I wouldn't put the two species in the same area even for a run under supervision. The guinea pigs could do harm to the gerbil by running on top of him. I wouldn't put the two together, there's a lot of risk and even under supervision the gerbil might get really intimidated by the two guinea pigs.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok thanks. I thought that. What do you think about a friend for the gerbil? Think he's bout 6 months old but really not sure

Gerbils generally do fine with new friends but you have to introduce them in a neutral territory. It's really a 50/50 chance whether or not the gerbil will get along with another friend or not. Generally the younger the gerbil more accepting the other gerbil will be of the new friend. I think it's worth a shot to try and pair him up with another male, just be prepared to seperate them in case they start fighting. :)