Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Ahhh!!! I think my sisters G.P. is prego by my G.P.!

Ahhh!!! I think my sisters G.P. is prego by my G.P.!

21 13:48:28

Dear Sam,
I've had my guinea pig for about 2 months or less and same has my sister. We got our guinea pigs from PetSmart. They were both in the same cage and we THOUGHT they were both males. about 9  days, we went to PetSmart to get guinea pig stuff and I ran across a pen where the guinea pigs could run around in. We came home and set it up and when we put our guinea pigs in, mine started humping my sisters. After 10 sec, Butters ran away. We were all astounded by what just happened. So we took them to the vet and found out Reeces is a male and Butters is a female. I'm wondering that maybe Butters might be pregnant. I know about females going into heat and I know about all that stuff. I did my research and I think she has the symptoms of pregnancy but not all of them. Shes round and she has a hard abdomen. My mom said she isn't but I would like a experts point of view and would like to know about all the symptoms and what goes on every week of pregnancy... btw my mom isn't vet or a guinea pig expert so I need help."

well it takes between sixty to seventy days from the point of conception until delivery, so if you got them two months ago and they bred then, then babies are almost here. but also if they have been living in the cage together (petsmart want shooting this happens alot) then chances are she got pregnant before hand as a cycle is roughly once every fortnight, if so then the babies are due at any time.

now next thing, the belly should not be hard so's to speak, you're looking at a litter two to three in number and so you can feel for the babies heads, if you slip your hand on the underside and feel her stomach then you will feel what seem like large marbles, these are the heads, if you can feel the lumps then she is having babies, otherwise it might be a more serious problem and so a trip to the vets might be needed. another indicator is the shape, if she is egg shaped then she is pregnant if she is the shape of an american football then here might be another problem.

in all liklihood though she is pregnant, so the steps for now is seperate her and the male if you have not already, do not breed them ever again as they are most probably siblings. remove the male babies between the third and fourth week, they can live with dad.

and congrads on the babies