Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Re: keeping two females together

Re: keeping two females together

21 14:40:59

Hi, i've recently adopted another female gp (chelsea) which is slightly older than the one i've kept for just under a year (ruffles).  Don't know the exact age of chelsea cos the owner didn't know.  They seem to be fighting for dominance and the ruffles has had her ear torn during one of the fights.  is it okay to still keep them in the same cage together

They also do funny 'rituals' like sniffing each other (butt to nose) and go round in circles before both sort of climb up the sides of the cage.  They make the chattering noise all the while.  wanted to know what this ritual means and how can I tell which is the more dominant one?  

Hello Vicki and thanks for the question,

The "ritual" you are talking about sounds like they are "courting". I know this is strange but make sure that one is NOT a male. The chattering and chittering is a sign of aggression and, yes, they are establishing the pecking order. I would watch them closely under controlled time limits per day. If they stop bickering after awhile and one "wins" dominance, leave them be. If they are really going at it or it is constant, seperate them perminently. Some older adults just will not accept a companion especially if they have mated before.

Thanks and have a nice day,