Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > teeth fell out

teeth fell out

21 14:07:11

I have a new guinea pig in good health lots of vitimin c fresh veggies he is 3 months old -i also have a healthy brother- when we got our texel pig his upper teeth were in sideways and two days later fell out completely. I see no breaks just gum on the upper front of his mouth. Will they grow back? Will they grow back crooked/sideways? If lost forever will he survive? Do i need to modify his diet?

Hi Jacqueline

The teeth should grow back, but it could take a while it depends on which way the teeth start to sprout out of the gums.

So If worried that the teeth are growing backwards or crooked so yo may need to see a vet

he will survive and he will still eat the normal food

All the best

From Mitchell