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pregnant guinea pig ??????

21 13:44:15

QUESTION: Dear,pat
I just got my first two guinea pigs ever and they are both females and after about two weeks of having them i found that reese was remarkably bigger then oreo and she eats alot makes a rumbling sound and every time oreo gets near her she some what makes a dove like noise at her and she has a little bit of a belly and her teats are larger then oreos so plzzz help i need to know if she is pregnant or not so i can start preparing for the additions thank you :D

ANSWER: She very well could be pregnant. But you need to also need to make sure that both are females. That's an easy mistake to make and happens all the time.

Assuming they are both females what may be happening is that Resse is just simply bigger than Oreo because not every pig is the same size. The rumbling and purring isn't a typical sign of pregnancy. It is however sometimes a sign that the one doing the purring may be in heat.

Although that sounds backwards and you would expect the other pig to do the purring, it is a sign of being in heat. If she were pregnant she wouldn't be making that kind of noise, she would be quietly pregnant.

Is it possible you could send me a picture of both of them? I'd like to see the belly and the genital areas of both pigs. That way I can get a better idea of who's who.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


QUESTION: oreo is the black and white one with the orange ear and resse is the brown and white one my computer cam wouldent let me get a picture of there genital area but they both have the y shape.

Teddy babies
Teddy babies  

Teddy babies
Teddy babies  
Let me congratulate you on two very beautiful pigs. In case you didn't know, these are both Americans (that's their breed, short smooth hair) and they are called TSW's or Tortoise Shell and White. TSW's are defined by their color which is black,red and white.  

Reese does have that characteristic bulge in her sides that are seen in pregnancy. My guess is that she is pregnant. I can't tell you how far along she might be, but the normal gestation is ten weeks. Of course you'll know for sure if she starts getting bigger and bigger. When you first feel movement, the babies are about two or three weeks from delivery.

Baby guinea pigs are the cutest things you'll ever see. They are born looking just like mom and dad. They have a full coat of hair, eyes wide open, full set of teeth and ready to run right from birth. I'll bet they will be beautiful babies as their mom is a very nice pig and has a particularly beautiful head.

Please keep in touch. I'll be anxious to see if and when she has babies. You don't need to separate them. Oreo will share in the cuddling and care of the babies. Guinea pigs have a natural instinct for motherhood and love their babies. So please don't hesitate to send me pictures.

I've attached a picture of one of my pigs with her two babies. They were just hours old when this was taken. These are Teddies, as their hair grows backward from the Americans giving them that fluffy look.