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Guinea Pig 2 questions

21 14:05:33

Can guinea pigs eat sweet potato and celery?  
How do you clip the toe nails of a guinea pig?

Clipping nails is a tricky business, you will have to buy special rodent nail clippers for them first, then you just cut them like you would your own nail - or follow the directions you get with the clippers! However a problem is it is easy to cut too far and make them bleed!
So be careful and do it a little bit at a time!
A good way to keep their nails down, and prevent cutting the nails so much is to let them spend a day on some concrete paving in your garden!

guinea pigs eat
they can eat them both in small quantities - as you do not want to give them the runs!
make sure celery is in cubes not strips as they can be a chocking hazard otherwise!

Megan x