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Guinea Pigs in Season

21 14:45:53

Followup To
Question -
1st question: will females try to hump on another female that is in season?

2nd question: you mention you can help with finding homes for guinea pigs. Do you know of any shelters here in Las Vegas?
Answer -
1.) Yes, they will. However, if you do not know the sex of your cavies, please learn how to sex them.

2.) I know of a rescue in Reno, may I ask why new need ro rehome your cavies?

Follow up: My step sons mother bought the guinea pigs for him but after having a baby herself, she felt it was too much to handle so she asked us if we would take them. She bought them from Petco and they told her they were brothers...they were in fact actually brother/sister...the first baby was born in November and the second in February. I seperated them after the 2nd baby was born. Not knowing the sex of the first baby I kept it with the father. Found out it was a female and it had become pregnant (at 2 months old). On Saturday she delivered a baby. One of them killed the baby that came out and she still had another inside her, which I had to take her to the vet becuase she couldn't deliver it. It, of course was not alive. When I got her home I placed her with the mother and the 2nd baby. The second baby started humping on her so I immediately put that one in a seperate box until I can figure out was sex it is. That's why I asked if other females will hump another females in season.
Having 2 guinea pigs was one thing but having a whole shlue of them is not what we wanted. If I could find a good home for them I would give them up.

You have 5 right now right? Five cavies is not much more work then 2, really. As long as you have them separated by sex and have big enough cages, provide them with food, hay and vegetables they should be fine. A rescue will not just take the cavies, they will ask a lot of questions and try to find ways to help you keep them. Most rescues charge a surrender fee of $75.00- $100 per pig.
Please read up on cavies by visiting these two websites