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Guinea pig is sick and not eating or drinking..

21 13:44:04

So I have a male about 2year old guinea pig named Mozart. He wasn't acting like himself so I took him to the vet  Friday and he said it looked like a GI problem. He gave me tribrissen (which is Baytril I think) and told me to give him yogurt too with baby food. So I have been feeding him green bean baby food with his antibiotic. I also give him water. He was a big 2.5 pounds and now my poor baby is only 1.8 pounds. :( I love him so much and only want to help him. He seems tired, but it breathing fine. I have a vet appointment tomorrow. How much should I feed him and give him water? Also, I was wondering if I could give him watered down Gatorade to help him keep hydrated. Thank you so much in advance.

I'm so sorry to hear your pig is ill. Baytril is the best choice of antibiotics but you still need to give him some probiotics to help prevent the Baytril from destroying the good bacteria along with the bad. You can get that any any pet store or feed store. Yogurt is also a good probiotic and that's why the vet recommended it. If he's taking it okay that's great, but if he refuses to eat it you may need something more.

For hydration the best thing is lettuce. Pigs love it and it's a good way to keep all the fluid in him you can. Iceberg lettuce is the best form of hydration because it basically has no nutritional value but it carries a great deal of water.  The Gatorade is fine as well.  Don't worry about how much you're giving him, let him have all he will take.  Same with feed. Just keep the bowl full of food and available whenever he wants it.

Melons are another favorite of many pigs and again, they contain a great deal of water. The weight loss is concerning. If you can get some Critical Care that may help. It's like Ensure for animals. I've also used baby formula as a good substitute as well.  Dilute it with water and put it in the water bottle. Don't replace the water bottle, just hang an extra one with the formula in it.

I've raised babies on it and they went nuts over the milk in the bottle. I had one week old babies who lost their mom so I put them in with the dad just for the comfort and cuddling the males will give the babies. He went after the formula faster than the babies, he loved it.

Since the Gatorade has sugar in it the pigs will drink it easily. It sounds like your vet is on the right track and is doing everything necessary for your pig. I hope this turns him around and back to health.  Best of luck to you. Please let me know how he does.