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My Guinea Pig is Jumping Like Crazy

21 14:28:50

Hi Laura, my guinea pig has recently started to jump around like crazy when we take him out.  He's been with us for 3 weeks, and is 2 months old.  He's definitely been a lot more active.  He climbs on his house and chews on it like crazy, chews on the cage, and when we take him out to spend time with him, he jumps in place and pretty much bucks like a horse all over the place, as dumb as it may sound, haha.  I just don't know if something is wrong, or if it's just normal.  He makes his little noises the whole time, kinda like he's talking to us.  Thank you so much for your time, Ms. Laura.


Hi Albert,

It sounds like he is popcorning - something they do when they are very happy. Different things they might do when popcorning involve high-speed running and chasing, head and body twisting and twitching, bucking like a horse, "bouncing" off the floor, and even rolling onto their backs like a dog. It's nothing to worry about. Be proud your piggie is so happy!

Best Wishes,

- Laura