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Sick Piggy

21 13:39:21

My guinea pig has been ill we took her to the vet Friday and was diagnosed with an inner ear infection. She was prescribed antibiotics, critical care & intestinal meds, she seemed to be on her way to recovery. However on Monday she lost complete loss of her motor skills. She is still gaining weight and started eating on her own but can't control her head or walk without falling over. Can she recover?

  The head tilt is caused by an inner ear infection. Inside the ear all mammals have a little water ball inside the ear that acts as a level. If you've ever seen someone working with wood, hanging pictures, etc. you may have seen them use a water level. It's a little tube filled with water. When you tip it the water will always stay level.

The best way to see it is by putting some water in a glass about half full.  Tip the glass and the water will stay at level until you tip it over and gravity makes it fall out. We have a similar thing inside our ears. If it is damaged we lose our balance and would tip over.  We're not aware of it, but the earth is always spinning and this little body part keeps us upright and standing. Without it, or with damage to it we get dizzy and tip over.

That's what's happening to your pig. Many times they will recover from the infection but not always return to normal as the head continues to tip. When you pick her up she tips her head because to her that is now her 'normal.'  

As long as she is eating normally she will be okay. It will require you to make some adjustments for her. When you pick her up do it slowly or she will feel like she's falling. Hold her at whatever position is comfortable for her, even if she still tips head. When you return her to her cage she falls over because the mechanism in her ear hasn't leveled off. Given a minute or two she should be able to get upright.

Continue her medication as directed. I'm am assuming the vet did not give her any type of penicillin antibiotic.  Guinea pigs cannot tolerate penicillin. Hopefully she will get through this without too much stress.  Just be aware that the head tilt may stay.