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Mating question

21 13:39:21

I take in guinea pigs that need homes due to the inability of the owners to properly care for them. I recently got in a male and female who were unfortunately housed together while with the previous owner.
They have told me that they witnessed the pair in the act and are sure the female is pregnant. Also they stated that it was successful because after the act was over the male would no longer try to mate.
My question for you...Is there any truth to that? Will the male no longer put effort into mating again if indeed he successfully impregnated the female?
I am very interested in knowing if that is true.
Either way I am taking care of both while they remain separate, but can see each other.
Thanks for your time and expertise.

Not every mating is successful. Males being males will try again. But immediately after the first mating the have to 'recharge their batteries' and will wait before trying again.

Although an interesting theory, the idea that any male would know if conception took place is absurd. If you know anything about how conception works you know that the actual coupling of the sperm and the ova takes place many hours later. That's why the "morning after" pill also known as "Plan B" works. There is no way to know if the contact between sperm and ova has been successful unless done artificially in a laboratory. Even then it may not produce offspring.

All mammals will have repeated matings during the female's estrus. That's nature's way of assuring success and offspring. Some mammals such as dogs and cats can have litters of multiple fathers. I can't imagine where this person got their information, but they are misinformed.