Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > guinea pig brith

guinea pig brith

21 13:49:42

QUESTION: hi my name is alex and i have a guinea pig that is going to have babies and i need to know what to look for she got breed in feb she is laying down alot and she is moody and she is hiting alot to makeing a lot of nosie  and not movieing alot i need to know how long i have she looks like she it going to pop i hope u can help me out this is my frist time breeding and she is swolen down there to and she is haveing a heard time movieing please help me out thanks

ANSWER: firstly while my own typing isnt brilliant you need to re-read what you write because it is not easy to understand. you dont really need to do anything, just give her peace and quiet, once they are orn soak the water they drink with a cuttle bone. other than that everything should be fine.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

guinea pig
guinea pig  
QUESTION: my guinea pig is going to have babies how do i know whin she gose in to labor she is hideing alot and diging alot and she is swollen down there and she is very very  big douse this mean she is geting ready to have them she got breed in FEB

yes that sort of behaviour means it is getting close, you dont really know when she is going into labour, only when she is giving birth, for a while she will look like she is just grooming herself. if it was the very beginning of feb then she will be about ready, rule of thumb it is about sixty days.