Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Sudden death of GPig

Sudden death of GPig

21 14:13:03

We have (had) 3 GPigs, all a year old - looked in today and the usually most livley was lying on his side having convulsions and tied within the hour.
Does this sound like something that I need to get the others checked out at a vets ?
Is it over the top to ask a Vet to perform an autopsy to see why it died >?
My 5 year old girl will be gutted - of the 3 kids ( they had a pig each)she was the only one who took an interest and it is hers' that has died. - Can we introduce another one ???( the other 2 are males )

Hi Neil

Firstly, I am very sorry to hear about your loss, please tell your daughter how sorry I am.

I think it would be highly abnormal to ask for an autopsy to be performed but I certainly would recommend getting the other two checked out.

You could introduce another baby male but there are never any guarantees that there won't be fighting. My advice based on years of experience would be not to get another third male.

I expect that the pig died from either shock or something genetic but these are mearly speculations.
