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Breeding rex guinea pigs

21 13:46:34

Hi, I would like to breed a litter of rex piglets. Do I breed a rex with another rex to achieve this.

well it depends on what sort of rex, if you want pedigree then it definately has to be pedigree rex to pedigree rex. this is if you want to be sure that all the litter are rex's. otherwise you do not have to have rex to rex as the litter will produce a more varied selection depending on their genetic background. for example my agouti line is not pure and throws out silvers cinnamons, mixtures of the two as well as tri colours.

therefore unless it is pedigree and th one you pair it with is also you cannot be certain that the pups will be rex's, but you can increase the chances of having some rex in the litter by selecting two guinea pigs with rex ancestry, th higher the rate of rex in their ancestry then the better the turnout is statistically likely to be.

best o luck