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Baby wont gnaw

21 14:37:27

Hi, Andy

We just bought a cavy, approximately four months old, a couple of weeks ago. He is very affectionate and quickly took to us. He appears quite healthy and normal in every sense, except that he doesn't seem to have the urge to gnaw that we expected. We have given him several different things, including wood, a pumice stone and fruit flavored salt/mineral block. He's barely touched any of them. He does love things like hard broccoli stalks, carrots and apples. I worry about his teeth. Should we be concerned, or is this because he's still young and will develop the urge to gnaw in time? Thanks for your help!


Hi Mia

There really is no need to worry. Some pigs like knawing on wood blocks etc, some don't.

Give a daily supply of hay as this does the job to keep teeth healthy.

The only time you need to worry is if you recognise a damp patch under his chin, this would indicate teeth problems and would need vetinary attention.

Don't worry.
