Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > surgery, yes, no?

surgery, yes, no?

21 13:50:14

Hi! I am 18 years old and have a guinea pig named Molly. She has been bleeding from her vagina/vulva for a few days now, slowly but it is still going, and she was taken to the vet this morning and diagnosed with uterine hyperdysplasia. The vet said the only treatment is a 700 dollar surgery of spaying her... I honestly don't know what to do. They are basically making me choose between the life and death of my pet just because of the price. Please help or give advice on what I should do... Just let her slow down and die naturally in her cage as it gets worse and enjoy her while she lasts? Or put her down? Or do the expensive risky surgery and not know what the outcome might be? :( help!

I am very sorry but I'm not sure what you should do. I haven't come across this before so am not sure what the outcome of the treatment is or if you can do any home treatment. The best thing to do would be to call your vet and discuss all the procedures and what would be the best thing to go forward with. If your vet doesn't specialise in small animal treatment then it would be best to find a vet who does and have them examine your guinea pig. Alternatively you can contact the Cambridge Cavy Trust on their number 01480 455346 or 0421 026401 (these are the numbers I have for them)and ask for their advice. Whatever you do it would be best to not let your guinea suffer so either put her down if there isn't anything else or go forward with the treatment or find some other form of home treatment you can use.
I am sorry I couldn't be of more help