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mum gp had babies, cant get dad de-sexed

21 14:35:10

Hello Lacey,
My name is Callum(10) and i got two guinea pigs in Feb this year. I have a girl called Snowy(white) and a boy Called Wombat(wombat coloured). I havent kept gps before so this is all new to me. I love them very much and i like to hear the purr noise thay make when i stroke the back of them.
Snowy had 3 babies all girls,(mostly white), a week ago and thay are all happy and beautiful.Two of the babies i am giving to a trustworthy and responsible friend and i am going to keep the other one, Snowball.
I seperated the hutch into two and kept Wombat away as i dont want Snowy to have any more babies.I was going to get Wombat fixed up but the vet told me its too risky as he may die. I want to keep Wombat but i dont think he is too happy being on his own. He kicks up a big fuss when i try to pick him up now(he didnt before) and he just wants to be with Snowy.
We have a playpen outside on the grass, where i used to put them out each day to run around and graze in but i cant put them all in together and i cant split this in two either.
What can i do? i hope you can help please.
from Callum.

WOW! You're really mature for your age, and you're very smart when it comes to guinea pigs. You have done a great job so far! You seem to know a lot more than I did when I first started keeping guinea pigs :) And you are such a responsible owner. I'm glad you found two of the babies homes! The vet is right. Wombat getting neutered could kill him, and it is risky, but it's risky for any animal or a human to have surgery. I can imagine he fusses. You took him away from his girlfriend. I had a guinea pig just like him. I ended up having to give him away to one of my friends. He settled down in his new home. I'm guessing it's because there wasn't a female around to entice him. I suggest you take Wombat and his cage, and put him in another part of the house. Even another room where Snowy isn't at. I'm not sure what it is, but when a male is with a female it sometimes changes him for the worst. :( Try to keep him as seperated from Snowy as you can. I reccommend you put them in the play pen at different times of the day, and if you can to move the play pen around outside so he doesn't smell Snowy. Try even rotating days. Maybe every other day Wombat gets to go outside. This can be difficult I know! If you can, try taking Wombat to another vet and see what he thinks about neutering him. I think that may calm him down a lot if that got done. I hope this helps. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. That's what I'm here for! I wish you and your pigs a lifetime of health, happiness, and love. Keep me posted on Wombat! :) Thanks!