Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > when are my baby guine pigs going to be born

when are my baby guine pigs going to be born

21 14:06:26

my gp Alice  is well we don't no really but we went to the vets to see they said she was pregnant but her babies haven't bean born yet we did not mate her but she was pregnant when we got her when they be born how will we know when and HELP ME please

I cant really answer much of this question as I have not met your piggy nor do I know when she became pregnant.
It seems to take ages before anything happens, but when it does you will know.
Weigh her every week to see if she is gaining weight.When her weight is really obvious you will see her sides flickering,this is known as quickening. It looks like aliens are in there and its fun to see!
Make sure mum gets extra greens like curly kale or dark green cabbage,keep her well fed as her appetite will go up a lot.
You can expect about 2-3 babies but she wont need help as they should be born with no problems as nature intends.
They are bron fully formed with all their hair and will be running about and trying moms food within about 5 hours. Mum will give them milk and do all the necessary things for them.