Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > i think my guniea pig is pregnant what are the signs?

i think my guniea pig is pregnant what are the signs?

21 14:06:26

hey im steph um i think my Guinea pig is pregnant && ive had her and my male for bout 6weeks && she has a swallon vagina and her tummy is getting big!! i wanna know if she is Pregnant..!

Thanks Heaps:)

When guinea pigs are pregnant there is the obvious tummy getting big and their nipples will  enlarge for the last few days and during labor, here is the time scale on which Guinea pigs should go by...

Week 1 No signs
Week 2 Sow may start drinking more

Week 3 Sow will start gaining weight, there will be a tightening of the abdomen muscles.

Week 4 An experienced breeder will be able to feel small foetuses

Week 5 Sow usually looks noticeably pregnant, taking on a rather rounded appearance. You will be able to feel the outlines of the foetuses.

Week 7 You will be able to feel 'quickening' this is when the babies kick

Week 9 It may become difficult for the sow to move around but she should still be active and eat and drink as normal.
The pelvic bones will separate sometime during this week

Week 10 The babies will be born