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guinea pig cages

21 14:38:46

Hi Lorena, I think I thank you already about the guinea pig web site on how to tell what sex they were.  I do want a second oponion if it's a boy or a girl. I called a couple of vets they all told me I have to wait at least 6 wks.  They told me to seperate them.  Anyway, my husband and I went to look for something to seperate them in.  But all the cages are expensive.  I don't want to get a cage like Cuddles b/c we are not sure if it's a girl or if we are keeping it.  I went to one pet store told him the situtation we are in.  He was trying to sell me a fish tank.  But my husband told me I can't put it in there.  I just want something temporally.  Is their something I can get that is $20 or less?  I am so disappointed.  Please let me know. Thank you.


JoAnn -

For $20 or less, there are a lot of solutions, but the easiest is simply to buy a large RubberMaid tub.  I recommend one where the top measures at least 1 1/2 x 2.  Also, try to get one that is as lightly colored as possible (clear is best, but translucent white is good, if available).  Simply drill some one inch holes in it, for ventilation (but make sure your baby can't squeeze through) and you're good to go.  Once the baby is gone, you can use this tub again.  I have a few that I use for storing my gardening supplies in (I carry them out to the garden).  You can also store children's toys in them, etc.

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me again.  Good luck!
