Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > watery/tired eyes

watery/tired eyes

21 14:23:06

My daughter has a 2 y/o male g-pig.  He shares a cage w/ another male (same age).  They have pine bedding, and are fed g-pig pellets, timothy, and parsley.  Kids change bedding 2x a week (or are supposed to).  One of the pigs exhibits tired-looking eyes, loose stools, and lethargy.  The other pig seems fine.  Do you have any suggestions of what may cause these symptoms?

Hello Jim,

Your daughter's piggy should see a vet. The watery eyes could be caused by the pine bedding (some pigs develop allergies to pine) changing the bedding may help that (though cedar is always bad and causes liver damage so a paper or aspen bedding is better). However with the othr symptoms, he's most likely actually sick. Too many veggies can cause loose stools but usually not lethargy. They can also be caused by several types of bacteria that can get into their intestines, worms, and even a few different viruses, and those will all cause lethargy (and possibly those watery tired eyes as well). He should see a vet soon and until then  give him alot more hay, no veggies, and monitor him closely. Force water down him if he isn't drinking to keep him hydrated. Also, watch the other pig. If they were female I'd tell you to separate them to be safe but with them being males that can cause more trouble than it's worth if what he has isn't contagious so it should only be done if it has to be. Just watch him close and tell the vet that he does share his cage with another pig. Good luck.
