Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > 3 to 4 month old pig

3 to 4 month old pig

21 13:49:21

QUESTION: My daughter bought a pig for a project at school (FFA). We noticed him limping, his right thing knee is swollen. We cannot afford a vet. Is there something we can do to make the swelling go do and make him feel more comfortable? Teacher said it's from him walking on concrete all day and to walk him in the dirt but, he's getting worse.

ANSWER: well yes a soft floor is a must, dry hay or sawdust. the best way for the swelling to go down is to reduce the amount of walking it does, if you leave it in its hutch then it wont move so much, also feed if fresh veg avoiding sugary and watery ones. if anything gets worse then let me know.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you very much Sam for responding. The FFA teacher had a Vet come out and all he said is that the pig probably twisted his knee and to give him 1 adult aspirin 325 mg. He also said to walk the pig and then check to see how it does. I don't feel comfortable with his diagnoses but I'm willing to try. So, I guess we'll wait and see what happens. The school says the pigs should not stay on concrete but then they make the pigs pins on concrete.. (get that one) They say it's cleaning for the school. They also said not to give in veg or fruit it would give them diarrhea but the vet said give it apple with aspirin. I'm confused!!!!!

okay ill try and explain everything,

generally concrete is fine, good in some ways even because it keeps the nails down, however a softer floor is better for a damaged limb, this is the same for any animal including humans, the softer the impact while walking then the less strain placed on the limb. so concrete when the leg is better if you want

the apsirin sounds insane, i have never known one to be perscried, think of the dosage levels compared with humans, I don't like to speak ill of a vet but i wonder if he knows what he is talking about. by all means give the guinea pig an aspirin but I recommend about one eighth of a tablet sprinkled onto an apple piece and leave it at that for the day.

now as for the fruit and veg yes the school is right some fruit and veg will make diarrhea but some will not and are actually better for the pig to have in its diet. so for an example citrus fruits, tomato's, peppers and berries are bad for the pig they are too rich, try to think of the sugar content and acididity. unless it is a starchy sugar like in carrots it will cause loose stools. apple as well will cause this but a little piece of apple one or two times a week is a nice treat that wont harm him, lettuce is fine as well thought not iceberg lettuce, and cucumbre is fine if given in small amounts the same as apples. though the best thing is always grass. tell the school (if they have any playing field) that a moveable pen on a lawn saves a lot of money with food. my pigs spend about 16 hours in pens on grass and now i only have to feed them a weeks worth of food every three weeks, and i have never had to use a lawn mower sicne i have moved in to my new house about seven months ago.