Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Im not so sure...

Im not so sure...

21 14:11:23

I'm thinking about getting two female guinea pigs. I'm not so sure though because I'm scared of them dieing and I'm wondering if life would just be a whole lot easier without them. Should I get them or not?

Hi Meg

I think guinea pigs are absolutely great animals and have lots to give.

Of course, when they die it is very sad and upsetting and, as you put it, life is easier without that and without having to clean their hutches, feed and care for them etc.

However I think the effort is worth it and would always recommend piggies as a pet.

I cant advise you whether you should get guinea pigs or not as this is your personal decision. I have included a link below to a website that tells you loads of great stuff about them including a section on what caring for piggies involves.
