Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my little RJ

my little RJ

21 14:15:02

my guinea pig R.J passed away this morning. the night before last when i got home from work i noticed he was lethargic and his water bottle and food dish was still full from the morning. I rushed him to the only vet open, they could not tell me what was wrong with him. they put "not acting right" on his discharge papers. well,the next day i went back and they gave me some meds and a force feeding treatment which he actually took very well. that night after all the meds he took a turn for the worst shaking and twitching i stayed up with him till 4am and at 7am he was still alive by 9am he was gone. again symptoms were not eating, drinking,or going potty also shaking and lethargy. Do you maybe have any idea what happened to my piggy. i have three more and also degus and sugar gliders i do not want anyone else to get sick. Thank you for listening, Truitt

Hi Truitt

Firstly I am sorry for your loss.

It is very unlikely that the cause of RJ's death will affect anyone else or any other of your pets but you always have the option of getting them all a check-up.

As for the cause it really is difficult to say as the symptoms are just a general sign of ill health so anything I say will be pure speculation.

He didnt poop because he didnt eat and he didnt eat because either he couldnt (mouth/teeth problem) or because he felt generally sick.

Sorry I cant give you a more definate answer but without having seen RJ I cant be sure.
