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Biting adolescent

21 14:15:02

Hi, We have 4 piggies 2boys, 2 girls. As the one girlie Belle is long haired we had groomed her then proceeded to groom our young male he was born 29th March 2007 however he seemed very interested in the towel that Belle had been groomed on and was sniffing and licking and making a rumble noise.......he makes this noise often when he is petted especially stroked on his back. When I held him up to check his under carraige i noticed a couple of red spots on his belly. As he is albino I understand he may well have sensitive skin. As I attempted to show my husband his spots he bite me very hard and drew blood, what did I do wrong, is he in pain or was it the sent of our female Belle that set him off and will this start him biting or could it be a one off.We are having problems with ants in the cages could they be bites on Snowballs belly. I am always very gentle and they are spoilt rotten so I feel very much to blame for his behaviour also our female Belle also about the same age as Snowball has a scabby mouth just on the split bit above her front teeth,below the nose. The scabs are dry and she doesnt mind me touching them. She seems happy enough and is eating well should I be more concerned. Thanks

Hello Lynn & Emily,
The bites on his tummy may have caused a little pain, he also seems to be attracted to the female hamster's scent. I think it may have just been an off day. I've had animals bite me once and never bite me again. I just simply figure that I had made him mad.
Snowballs mouth is somewhat of a concern to me because it could be a bacterial infection.
Does it look like this
If it's a bacterial infection known as Cheilitis you should put some antibiotic ointment on it to try and heal it.