Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > nails


21 13:43:02

When I was younger I had a piggy that kept its own nails i never had to clip them. i have a piggy now that i recived from someone else, his nails are long and fingers are curled up some i didnt know if i should try to clip them myself Or what i should do his little feet look very uncomfortable I now have him and another that i got from other people whose children lost interest in them. Really want to know about keeping their nails. thank you so much.

Clipping their nails is much easier than you would think. The hardest part is getting over the fear of 'quicking' the nail and nipping into the vein that runs through the nail.

If your pig has white nails it's easy, you can see the red vein. If they're dark you're going to be guessing. I prefer small cat clippers, available at places like K Mart, Walmart, 99stores, etc.  

You'll have to find your own position of comfort. I hold the pig in the bend of my arm and get a good grip on the foot. Just snip off the tip of the nail. Remember that this is a vein, not an artery. If you do cause it to bleed he will not die or bleed to death. Put a bit of cornstarch or flour on the nail tip and that will help coagulate the blood.

The secret is having a firm hold on him but at the same time having him relaxed. You might have to hold him for a minute or two until you feel him relax. I had someone tell me that they sit their pig on a tennis racket. The nails hang through the bottom of the racket and they clip them. But to do that you may need someone else to help keep the pig still.

If you're fearful of doing it the first time just take off a bit of the tips of the nail. Then take off a bit more the next day. The most difficult part is learning to hang onto the pig and be comfortable.  You can do this.  Just don't be afraid.