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what breed is my guinea pig

21 13:46:10

Hi, i recently purchased a guinea pig and i dont know what breed he is. He has very short coarse orange grey and white hair. (compared to other guinea pigs) he has a very weird face. Almost looks like a wombat's face. he is very lazy and doesnt move around much in his spacious cage (probably due to older age). Any ideas? please email me.

It's not possible for me to identify his breed without a picture. Unfortunately your description doesn't give me much information. There are 13 different breeds of guinea pigs, all having different hair types and lengths.  

If you're able to send a picture I'd be happy to help. If you're not able to attach a picture you might try the site. That's American Cavy Breeders Assoc and has pictures of all 13 breeds. Each breed comes in varying colors and markings. I'm sure seeing those may give you a little more of an idea.