Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > guinea pigs fight randomly

guinea pigs fight randomly

21 14:08:55

i have two guinea pigs and lately one of them has been pulling out hair and making the pig bleed and we tried giving it a while but its not working so we put them in two difernt cages that faced so they could see one another we just want to know why like does someone think there in charge we NEED to know.

Hi Rachel

Guinea pigs are animals that always have a hierachy. In other words, there is usually a dominant pig and a less dominant one. This is just nature I guess.

Can you tell me, do the pigs actually fight or is it literally just one pig pulling out the other's fur? And are wounds caused or is it bleeding caused by pulling the fur. Finally, is any other aggresive behaviour shown, i.e teeth chattering, bottom sniffing etc.

The answers to these questions may help me to advise you what is the best action to take.