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Guinea pig weight loss follow up question

21 14:45:57

Dear Lorena,

Thank you very much for your advice. Those guinea pig balls are quite expensive anyway in Australia where I live, so I thought it was best to ask around first! Lucky I never bought one.

Since cabbage is not good for them, and neither is lettuce, what other leafy vegetables or fruit should they eat? My guinea pig's regular diet, apart from lettuce (which I've been trying to give in smaller amounts), and cabbage (which I promise not to feed her anymore), consists of: guinea pig grain, carrots, corn (the entire corn, including leaves, stringy bits, core and stalk), celery, broccoli, and the leafy Chinese vegetable called bok choy (both the green and white types). She also gets fed a small piece of apple once a day.

Also, the two types of cabbage we were feeding her were the crisp, sweet Savoy cabbage, as well as Chinese cabbage - but all types of cabbage are bad for pigs, right?

Other than that, she will sometimes be given very small amounts of grapes, green beans, broccolini, strawberries, the stringy bits from bananas, and the hard green part of watermelon (not the pink inside flesh because I think that'd be too sugary for her teeth). Are any of these foods unsafe, and what else is she able to eat?

Thanks again.

From Alison.

Followup To
Question -
Dear Lorena,

I was wondering if you recommend the use of plastic exercise balls for guinea pigs? Such as those made by Super Pet, or the Kritter Krawlers by Lees?

I have generally heard that they're okay for guinea pigs to use, but on the Pet Smart website they said guinea pigs shouldn't be using them! Do your pigs have any experience of them? And are they safe?

I know guinea pigs cannot use exercise wheels like mice can, so I thought an exercise ball might be a good idea so my pig can lose some weight.

I have been feeding her less and making her run around some more, but she could be a little smaller. I also feed her cabbage, because this can reduce her weight, correct?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

From Alison.
Answer -
Alison --

First, let me say this ... never feed your guinea pig cabbage.  Cabbage can do serious harm to a guinea pig's digestive tract (although most of them love to eat it).  DO NOT FEED YOUR CAVY CABBAGE!  Okay, now that that's out of the way ... :)  I do not recommend the use of exercise balls for guinea pigs.  Here's why.  They have long toes with longer toenails.  All of the exercise balls that I have seen have large slits in them (for ventilation, I suppose).  The guinea pig's toes can become caught in them and break (and I have firsthand knowledge of this.)  As for weight loss, to give her some exercise, here are some suggestions:
*put her water and feed at opposite ends of her cage.
*get a harness for her and let her wander around the house (supervised, of course)
*sit with your feet against a friends feet (or the wall) and let her run around in the space created by your legs.

Hope this information is helpful.  If you have any more questions, feel free to contact me.  Good luck!


Alison --

My apologies for the delay in responding.  I somehow never got your follow-up email.  I think the one thing she would love to eat that she's not getting would be hay or grass (since you're coming into the autumn season down there, now would be a good time to get both, I should think.)  Clover (the small flowery heads) would be a positive as well.  I would just make sure that whatever you give her, it is in small quantities.  Too many veggies and fruits, combined with not enough alfalfa feed will make a guinea pig both fat and sick.  Other than that, sounds like you're doing a good job.

Hope this answers all your questions, please feel free to send me any more.  Good luck!
