Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my poor guinea

my poor guinea

21 14:06:56

I have two female guinea pigs. All has been well up untill about 2 weeks ago.I decided to take them outside to play, as it was a fairly warm day. The next day i noticed that the little one was not herself. She appeared to have crusty milky eyes, and was very "tired". It has been about two weeks since i first noticed the problem. Her eyes appear to be better, but she is still very lethargic, and sleeps all the time. This is strange for her as she is usually very active. My other guinea pig appears to be getting along as usual with no problems. I am hoping that maybe she has a cold or something and will get over it soon, as i dont really have enough money to take her to the vet. What do you think is the problem, and can i treat her myself?? p.s. Please respond to me by e-mail. thanks!

Hello Carly,
Guinea Pig eyes are a confusing subject.
For instance a milky discharge from a Guinea Pigs eye, is normal, although you may not notice it, Guinea Pigs release this substance from their eyes and then clean themselves with it.
However some signs warrant an examination by an experienced Veterinarian these signs are:
    Crusty eyes  <----
    Watery eyes
    Cloudy eyes
    Receding eyes
    Protruding eyes
    Ulcerated eyes

A Guinea Pig with Crusty eyes may have an upper respiratory tract infection. Other signs of an upper respiratory infection is a snotty nose, be lethargic and may not be eating.

This can be treated by antibiotics but by what you have said I would advise that you take your piggie to see a vet asap!!!

Something like this cannot be treated by yourself.

Please let me know how things go,