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Worried about piggie

21 14:35:32

Since I last wrote you, I have taken piggy to the vet. the vet said that he doesn't have Scurvy,   he said that his tummy is very sore,so she put him on a an antibiotic and pain medecine and a critical care package.  Since he has been on this medicine and packages he has started sneezing alot and he still is not eating i think that the critical care package is keeping him a little fat. but he is still not eating or drinking on by himself.  I don't know if by giving him the critical care package through syringe is causing him to be gassy or sneezing is coming from a cold.  I can't afford to take him back to the vet.  They gave him an X-ray also but she did not find anything.  So could you please help me.  

Hi again

I can't remember the details of what the problem was because I get so many questions. (I am only piggy expert on this site)

Did you check that the vet you used what experienced in piggies? However, I understand you cant take him back to the vet. I must point out that I have no medical training so I can only give you limited advice.

The best thing to do whenever a piggy is sick is to syringe feed him and make sure he gets plenty of water. Try to give foods high in vitamin c.

Can you please remind me what exactly were the symptoms and especially what is contained in the critical care package as I want to be sure there is nothing in there that will harm the piggy.

In the meantime, do what I advise above, and I look forward to hearing for you soon. I will do my best to help.
