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My guinea pig female

21 14:10:24

My female guinea pig gave birt to 3 piggies 2 nights ago. One died because it wasnt strong enough. so i got 2 left. last night i went to my fiancees house and took them with me so that i could always have an eye on them. as i was on my way over there water had filled the cage. so i took them out to prevent them from getting sick, dried them of and used a blanked instead of the botom cage. this morning when i woke up and checked on them the mother had biten of the ear of one of her babies. also i noticed that she doesnt seem to like him, because she always knoks him over and doesnt really go by him. So i was wondering if she has post partum depression and what i could do as to for the safety of the little piggies.

Hi Shanna

I'm not sure I would call it post natal depression but a small number of mothers will not nurse their babies as they should.

This means you will need to care for the babies. Take a look at the link below for help with this.
