Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Can guinea pigs eat cheerios?

Can guinea pigs eat cheerios?

21 14:06:39

Hi Matt,
I was wondering, can guinea pigs eat cheerios? The cereal? Thanks


I wouldn't recommend feeding your guinea pig cheerios, especially on a regular basis.  They are not really made for guinea pigs, although they will not hurt them.  Their diet should mainly consist of pelleted guinea pig food, timothy hay, and fresh vegetables.  If you want to feed a couple cheerios a day maybe as a treat or something when you are holding your guinea pig, that would be fine.  Make sure that they are the normal cheerios, and not the honey nut cheerios, or any other flavor.  And definitely don't mix the cheerios in with the food or anything, because that will cause your guinea pig to be a selective eater, and he/she will probably just pick out the cheerios.  Your best bet would be to just feed them as a treat, and ration them, but cheerios will not hurt your piggie.