Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > prengancy


21 14:10:47

i need to ask two questions i have a guinea pig and a rabbit and i think my guinea pig is pregnant will i have to get a new cage for the rabbit just in case the rabbit might annoy the guinea when she is trying to give birth or will i be ok and when i got my guinea she was quiet big and now she has two big lumps coming out of her and im not sure if she is pregant???please answer me

Hi.  To answer your second question first, it does sound like your guinea pig is pregnant.  Heavily pregnant pigs do develop huge bellies which balloon out either side of the sow's body, like you describe.  If you are really not sure your vet can always take a look and let you know for certain.
If you are certain now that she is pregnant, the answer to your other question: When you think your guinea pig is nearing the birth of her pups i would recommend you remove the rabbit and put it in another cage.  Rabbits can be unpredictable animals with guinea pigs at the best of times, and with babies in the picture i really would not take the risk.
I hope that helps you.