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Sasha - guinea pig

21 13:51:25


Sasha and Scamp
Hi my guinea pig Sasha is just over a year old and sometime ago my daughter said, Mum Sasha's eyes are really scary and as I am short sighted I brushed her off saying she was being silly. However today as I bathed her and the sun was bright I saw  she has cataracts! I felt so sad for her. Does this mean she is now blind? She doesnt drink water, gets all her water from leafy lettuce/carrots and cucumbers. Is this enough as she wont drink water from the water dispenser. I am so worried. Any advice you can give will be much appreciated. Thanks


Hello Ginette!
I must say first, calm down. Going blind is not a huge worry for a guinea pig. My guinea pig, Shadow, is blind and is just fine. Shadow got in a fight and lost an eye and the other got infected and had to be removed. Shadow still get along with her sister, she still eats and drinks fine, and she relys on her amazing sense of hearing.
I will give you the link to a great site about guinea pigs:
It sounds like Congenital Cataracts,cataracts are present in the young of some lines and may develop in early adulthood in related animals. Breeding from these lines is discouraged. Other young may be born with partial cataracts. These animals appear to see adequately. I do not think that she will go totally blind but I can never say for sure.
For now I think you should just let her be. Either way she will be fine.
As for the water thing, no this is not enough water. Try keeping the bottle on the side of the cage anyway.