Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > EMERGENCY! PLEASE HELP! My...


21 14:45:12

EMERGENCY!  PLEASE HELP! My guinea pig was fine a few hours ago, but now he's laying on his side and breathing heavy.  He is starting to go a little limp.  This isn't the first time something has happened to him, and I think it's hereditary.  Do you know of anything I can do to save him, or what may have gone wrong?

Hello Allie.

There is something wrong with him, and there is nothing you can do personally. YOU NEED TO TAKE THAT PIG TO A VET ASAP. guinea pigs go downhill pretty fast.

To be quite honest allie, it sounds like he's going to the rainbow bridge (piggie heaven). I would still take him to the vet RIGHT AWAY. I'm not sure when you sent this message, but i just got it now.

Please keep me updated on your baby.
