Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > i need help!

i need help!

21 14:23:15

ok...are guinea pigs suppose to purr when you pet them? and if you are petting them and it squeeks...what does that mean? o and one more question...if you shut off the lights and the guinea runs around and jumps all over the place, does it mean he is scared of the dark??
thanks much


  I'm terribly sorry for the delay with this response.  Yes, some guinea pigs will purr when you pet them, most of mine did.  If they squeak sharply and suddenly, it may be indicative of your petting them too roughly.  If it is more of a chirping, it means that they are happy.  If it is just normal squeaking, it may want a treat or to go back into its cage.

    About being afraid of the dark, I'm not too sure that's the case.  Guinea pigs usually love dark, cozy places, and when they jump in a seemingly spastic way, it means that they are very happy or excited - the motion is actually called "popcorning".  I think your guinea pig likes the dark.

    Thank you for your question, I hope I have been of some help to you.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Good luck with your guinea pig (=

                                                  - Nicole