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guinea pig cut =/

21 14:23:05

ok so a couple of months i bought a guniea pig whom i was tols had a.d.d. ( i doont know if thats possible in guinea pigs but they gave him to me for real cheap because he was specially bred and the people who asked for him no longer wanted him and i felt bad.) he would chase the tail he doesnt have and all that stuff. hes been fine for these months but i had recently put out a new hiding spot since he was not intrested in the one he had. i noticed that this hiding spot was giving him cuts but he really liked it. my father took it and sanded the whole thing out so there were no more sharp parts in the wood.
recently i noticed a big cut right side just after his leg. its probably from the scab of the other cut there which he kept scratching and biting off. he keeps scratching and biting this one and im scared of infection . i don't want to take him to the vet  unless i truely have to. is there anything i can buy such as antibiotic cream, special bandages or anything of that sort? please let me know

Hello Jessica,

Flush the wound with saline solution or warm salt water 2 - 3 times a day and that should keep out infection and help it heal. A vet may be a good idea though to make sure he doesn't have mites. His erratic behavior and the sores could be symptoms of them. Good luck.
