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Guinea pig & rabbits mating

21 14:23:18

I have a guinea pig(brown) and 2 rabbits(White-1/2 lop eared). Recently we noticed that we had 2 babies which are fully haired- white with grey tan patches that have round ears like guinea pigs and run like guinea pigs. Can they possibly be half rabbit- half guinea pig??? We have not had another guinea pig for 4 months and he was also brown.

Hi Donna,

    I'm terribly sorry for the delay with this response.  I have heard something of guinea pig and rabbits mating before, but nothing too positive.  As far as I know, the two species cannot interbreed - but I could be wrong.

    Guinea pigs are not pregnant for four months, but rabbits have a gestation period a little longer than that - six months for the smaller breeds, and even longer for the larger ones.  It doesn't sound like it from how you described the offspring, but could it be at all possible that your rabbits produced the litter?

    Thank you for your question, I hope I have been of some help to you.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Good luck with your new litter (=

                                                - Nicole